Pretty, Ugly by Lauren Simone

And there I was 

Staring into the mirror
Feeling miserable, but pretty 
What a deadly combination 
To know that 
Despite me not loving myself 

Society would 
cheer on my belting cries like a performance 
watch me wallow and not blink
It’s hard not to see a pretty girl

Whose to feel sorry for them ?
When I’m ugly I say at least I look how I feel
When I’m pretty I say at least I feel how I look
What’s the difference ?

I guess
I’m still trying to piece that part together
Instead of picking it
a part


LAUREN SIMONE is a third year at the University of Chicago. She enjoys art, poetry,
and photography. She earned an Art Institute scholarship for photography and
participated in the Folding Map project with Tonika Johnson. She is looking forward
to seeing other artists display their talents as well.


and she cried. by Cheyenne Metz


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