Death & Angel

by Sareen Equality

death (adj.) : somewhat of a good time

heartache burrows deeper into your jaw than a rotten tooth that won’t stop bleeding at the gums even
though you clean the pus off it every morning.
i bleed blood that butterflies drink when the sun forgets to come up.
trees breathe out black smoke laced with angel tears and i find myself choking on the abomination earth grew.
can i scream without a throat if i pray to god a little harder?
severed veins slither through timeless corridors coated in loss.
they who seek solace within the ground have reached the highest of heights

ANGEL  (verb.) : the ability to soar through hell and still smile in god’s face

And of all the angels, as I stand to tear before you
Would you fly too?
Above highs, coated in smoke and laced in abundance
Further than growing wings and fractured bones – stacked for a kingdom’s structure
To which eyes fulfill a pain, where holes are locked in permanence 
Could you fly?
At points when birds cascade into fire, after being pushed by winds stronger than Allah
I’d ask…
Am I sick or are your wings broken?



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